For Practitioners
The Tourism Management Institute recognises that good quality Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is essential to your ongoing effectiveness as a tourism destination management professional. CPD is your personal commitment to being professional.
TMI is committed to supporting its members’ development as practitioners, as the ability and insight to manage your own professional growth is seen as a key strength. CPD is central to TMI’s destination promotion and development activities, such as the Annual Convention and Hot Topic Events.
CPD is both an investment you make in yourself and is a key driver in raising the profile of the tourism sector as a whole. As tourism professionals, TMI members have a responsibility to keep their skills and knowledge up to date, and TMI expects and acknowledges that they are engaged in CPD.
In developing these CPD pages, TMI aims to provide online resources to support members’ learning development and networking. They are also a means to plan, assess, record and importantly, reflect on your CPD activity to identify gaps in your knowledge and experience, and gain recognition for your professional achievements. CPD also helps to increase confidence and gives you additional professional credibility as a tourism destination practitioner.
As a TMI member you can access various resources within this section such as readings lists, back copies of TM Eye, the TMI e-bulletin newsletter, and useful links.
TMI members can access a range of professional development resources here.